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Experience in Public Health, with an emphasis on Epidemiology, epidemiological surveillance, data analysis, spatial data analysis and statistical methods.


Currently a PhD student in Epidemiology at National School of Public Health/Fiocruz

PhD student in Epidemiology in Public Health in National School of Public Health - ENSP / FIOCRUZ. Master in Epidemiology in Public Health (ENSP / Fiocruz), with a degree in Geography (Bachelor and Licentiate Degree) at the Federal University of Alfenas - UNIFAL-MG (2015/2019) and in Public Management Technology at the Faculty of Curitiba - Uninter (2008).


National School of Public Health/Fiocruz

PhD in Epidemiology and Public Health

Rio de Janeiro, RJ

2020 - now


National School of Public Health/Fiocruz

Msc in Epidemiology and Public Health

Rio de Janeiro, RJ

2018 - 2020

Thesis: Hospitalizations for Acute Myocardial Infarction and Stroke in the State of Minas Gerais. Spatial pattern of use of health services.

Federal University of the Alfenas


Alfenas, MG

2010 - 2015

Thesis: Region and Health Networks: An Analysis of Regionalization in Southern Minas Gerais